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Current Members

Chairman's Club

Kevin Adams
Joe Adeeb
Andy Allen
Emily Andrews
Brian Annett
David Annett
Chris Anthony
Bill Barbera
John Bedford
Johnny Beehner
Dane Bennett
Mark Bennett
Greg Blais
Allison Bovee
Chris Bracken
Ken Brady
Jessica Brant
John Brigman
Michael Brown
Tim Burrows
Chuck Campbell
Kevin Carpenter
Mike Cobb
James Coleman
Robert Conrad
Michael Corrigan
Angela Costa
Kevin Craig
Jason Cromer
Daniel Davis
John Davoli
Bob DeBlois
Bill Dixon
Carlton Dixon
Rick Doran
Regent Ducas
John Duce
Wyman Duggan
Chrissy Dunlap
Mark Dykes
Stephen Edmonds
Brooke Edmondson
John Fairall
David Fennessy

Travis Fulton
Kemal Gasper
Randy Goodwin
Jon Gregory
Steve Griffin
Antonia Hale
Scott Hall
Barbara Halverstadt
Todd Helfer
Kyle Hensley
Todd Hickey
Christie Hill
Aaron Hines
Ian Hollingsworth
Mikki Hunsinger
Paul Jones
Erik Joyner
Leon Kally
Keith Kessler
Andy King
Gil Langley
Gray Mabry
Brent Marler
Nicole Marlewski
Josh Martino
Vince McCormack
Cody McLeod
Pat McManamon
Jamaal Medley
Eva Mitchell
Billy Morrow
Nick Morrow
David Mullins
Billie Nimnicht III
Lou Noir-Jones
Brooke Norton
Scott Olson
Chuck Opachich
Jared Opalinski
Kimberly Patterson
Chris Paul
Gentry Pelham
Angela Phillips

Susan Phillips
Sara Pomposo

Phil Porter
James Pyle
John Ream
Derick Redding
Roxie Reeve
Jim Richardson
Joe Rickey
Jason Rudderman
John Schuman
Kristin Searcy
Josh Sharp
Jamie Shelton
John Showalter
Doug Singletary
Darnell Smith
Donnie Smith
Lee Smith
Ryan Smith
Melinda Sowers
Robert Steinman
Justin Stephens
Kate Strickland
Charlie Templeton
Tim Thomas
Jeff Thompson
Mark VanLoh
Charles Wagoner
Aundra Wallace
Terri Walton
Anna Washington
Rupal Wells
Bradley Whitaker
Jeff Whitaker
Seth Williams
Dawn Wilson
James Wilson
Alan Worley
Jeff Wyatt
Mike Zaffaroni
Billy Zeits
Matthew Zuino

Green Jacket Committee

Peter Anderson
John Ballis
Brett Bell
Clint Bennett
Brendan Bledsoe
Bob Booth
Sim Bridges
Matthew Campbell
Chandler Carr
Kelly Maguire Carr
Ron Carroll
Rick Catlett
Jeff Chandler
Kevin Cheezum
Derek Collum
Justin Contreras
Brian Cook
Brian Copham
Carl Davidson
David Davis
Shawn DeVries
Sam Dickson
Marius Dobren
Bruce Duggar
Sam Dunham
David Dunston
John Eller
Jennifer Estes

Gary Flower
Debi Franke
Matthew Furlong
Derek Gaff
Randy Gallup
Brian Graham
Lindsay Grayson
Liz Grebe
Mike Harbison
Sandy Harbison
Brett Hoffman
Kelly Huber Zakrajsek
Jarrod Huntley
Alex Intriago
Kyle Kashuck
Richard Kaufmann
John Kessenich
James Kjellman
Mike Maguire
Gene Maszy
Auburn McClure
Mike McCollum
Will McNamara
Austin Merriam
Spencer Merriam
Brad Miller
William Milne
Bob Moore

Ericia Moore
Tom Morgenthal
Lauren Morrow
Amanda Napolitano
Patrick Nealis
Laura Phillips Edgecombe
George Pottenkulam
Jen Redman
Angela Rettini
Bob Rosenblum
Beth Ruzzo
Richard Saig, Jr.
Andrew Schellenberg
Patrick Shields
Carson Skinner
Henry Smith
Paul Thomas
Scott Thomas
Rick Thompson
Khari Turner
Denise Vigliotti Smith
Kate Wallace
Frank Wallmeyer
Radha Weeder
Curry Workman
Andy Zarka

Class of 2024

Duke Addison
J Anderson
Bailey Bauernfeind
Kevin Carlton
Jennifer Cleek
Josh Cockrell
Kevin Copeland
Richard Dodge


Drew Hickinbotham
Ken Jefferson
Desiree Jones
Patrick Mency
Bo Powell
Justin Renfrow
Rick Sargeant

Andy Scott
Peter Simmons
Erin Streva
Mike Tolbert
Leighann Triplett
Jim Webb
Kellee Wip

Bowl'd Ladies

Janette Allen
Rachael Arnold
April Bliss
Rachel Dungan
Emily Gleeson
Katherine Hardwick
Denise Humphreys

Denise Humphreys
Whitney Loggins
Stephanie Mack
Casey McMullen-Walker
Amanda Patch
Lyndsay Rossman
Kim Scott

Kim Scott
Jill Sprowell
Casey Taker
Leighann Triplett
Brittany Williams
Camryn Wilson